

With hair loss affecting millions of people around the globe, trichology has become a point of interest for sufferers looking for an effective solution, as well as the hair stylists wishing to help their clients with this complex condition.

If you’re curious about what kind of services a trichologist would be qualified to perform, this article will shed light on this and other questions about pursuing a career in the hair loss industry.


Job Description of a Trichologist

Trichologists are hair and scalp health specialists who are qualified to identify and resolve a wide range of conditions such as hair loss, dandruff, scalp infections, and hair breakage. To achieve this, a trichologist needs to be trained to recognize and manage hair and scalp disorders. The training should cover the basics of anatomy, physiology, and trichology. Trichologists must also be knowledgeable about various products and treatments available on the market, and be able to recommend the most appropriate course of treatment for each individual client. All of this should be included in a comprehensive certification program that covers both the scientific foundation and practical skills. There’s no state-required licensing, which makes it even more important to get certified by a well-renowned and respected institution.

A Certified Trichologist is a paramedical professional who practically bridges the gap between Cosmetology and Dermatology. When going to see a Trichologist they will perform analysis to get a better understanding of the client’s condition. Some of the analyses that will be performed include health, lifestyle, microscopic scalp assessment, bio-scanning, and a blood chemistry reading.

Once they identify the problem, trichologists will develop a multi-therapeutic plan that addresses the underlying cause of the hair or scalp disorder. They might recommend lifestyle modifications, such as changing their diet and vitamin and mineral supplements and using certain hair care products to exfoliate the scalp and encourage growth. The discovery might point to a bigger health issue – in this case, a trichologist can work together with their client’s medical team and recommend appropriate tests and lab work to be conducted.

A quick but important note: Trichologists are not medical doctors and are not qualified to perform blood work or medical procedures. In order to provide a safe environment for the client and prevent further damage, any hair or scalp treatments should only be performed by a Certified Trichologist that has been trained to use the equipment mentioned above.


The Difference That a Certified Trichologist can Make

A Trichologist can make a world of difference to those suffering with hair and scalp issues. Using their expertise, they can analyze the client’s current condition and create a plan to help them recover. With Trichologists being paramedical professionals that specialize in hair and scalp they are often more beneficial than a dermatologist, especially if the hair and/or scalp issue is being caused by an underlying condition that requires a holistic approach. However, in certain cases of biopsy a dermatologist will be needed. 

Focused on internal alignment, Trichologists have an exceptional understanding of the body systems and how they contribute to hair loss and other scalp maladies. Using their tools to analyze the scalp and their knowledge to bring balance to the body, Trichologists are the most successful in their field of restoring hair.

Trichologists may also work with clients experiencing hair falling or thinning due to medical conditions such as chemotherapy. In these cases, trichologists may work closely with other medical professionals, such as dermatologists or oncologists, to develop a treatment plan that addresses the underlying medical condition while also addressing any related hair loss or thinning.


Pursuing a career in Trichology

Overall, Trichologists are qualified to recognize and resolve a wide range of hair and scalp conditions, and provide guidance on hair care practices. They play a crucial role in helping men, women and children maintain healthy, strong, and beautiful hair. Although, Trichology on its own is only half the knowledge you need to flourish in this industry. It’s recommended that licensed Cosmetologists pursue a Trichological certification. The educated know there is more to hair care than knowing how to style and cut it. When there is a client in your chair it’s important to know how to help them when they are struggling with hair loss and/or scalp maladies. When you have a deeper understanding of the body and how each body system affects hair growth, you will be able to restore their hair and their health.

For more information about becoming a Certified Trichologist, download our free guide below.

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